I love my Les Paul and my Strat. They make beautiful music, just like tonight. HAH.
Showing posts from April, 2007
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Yesterday was soccer day and we seriously played some fucking good footy. Been a long time since I played on a pitch bigger than a street soccer court. At first, it was supposed to be me, Keith, Aks, Gim Siong, Afiq, Perry and a few others [including Faridah] who were playing. LOL. But knowing guys, there would always be people who'd wait near the court for people to come and just join in the fun. So about 20 others played and it was sweet. Haha. Surprisingly, one guy came up to me and asked," Aye you were the St Pat's captain last time right? I can remember you were one of their best players." It felt really good to know that there were guys, whom I didnt really know, who acknowledged me. At the same time, I was pretty much caught by surprise. Maybe I still have it. I think I do. Earlier in the day was CCA recruitment drive, and I was at the bowling booth with my football juggling about and freestyling abit. I think there was this guy who went,"Eh this one bowli...
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Mr Selvan is the star of the day. Without a doubt. HAHA. Ok here's what happens. He lets the year 1s go for the usual journalism toilet break, then makes his way to the toilet himself. Meanwhile, before BMR lecture started, Akmal and I left the lt to go to the toilet too. The two of us walked into the toilet and what we saw was seriously hilarious. There was this panel form the ceiling which was dangling mid air and so we had to kinda duck under it and when we turned around, we saw Mr Selvan trying to pull up his pants and tuck in his shirt, but he didn't realise he was facing the entrance, well, sort of. When he saw me and Akmal, he got a bit of a shock and let go of his pants for that second or two. HAHA. And so as it was slipping down, he hurriedly pulled it back up then looked at us and said, "Wah, the panel quite dangerous ah. Better be careful." After that the two of us couldnt stop laughing, which made our trip to the toilet all the more difficult. LOL. Oh my. ...
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First day of school was pretty bland, to put it simply. Sports Marketing lecture was the only class of the day and the assignment is on F1 racing. Feck. I was hoping it would be soccer or something. HAHA. Then my life would be easier. Went to Chinese Swimming Club with Calvin, Alvin, Clement and Gerard after school to bowl. Still trying to get my release right. Think I have to go to Unlce Walter to re-drill my ball. After bowling was the best part of the day. Table Soccer. HAHA. I swear its the most I have laughed in a damn long time. I seriously teared man. There was one part where Clement was trying to get the ball out of the goal area and he was going, " AAAAHHH, AAAAHHHH, AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Then he scored and own goal. LOL. Fucking hilarious. And that Gerard was forever being a monkey spinning the players like mad but still never hit the ball at all. Chow Feng tried to cheat. He lifted the table upwards so the ball would roll into my goal, BUT NO. Haha. I still scored. ...
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First, she tries to be a mysterious rapper and then she tries to be a travel host. Finally orientation is over. 2 whole days of mad shooting photos. Over 1000 pictures and a body thats more or less drained. School's starting on Monday and I really really dont like my timetable or my class for that matter, well, half of my class. Year 2 might be just be the most fucked up thing in poly life, unless something miraculous happens. Somehow I kinda miss the feeling of being a freshman. The thrill of meeting new people during orientation, getting to know your classmates and all that. It just flew past me really. Right now though, I miss my old classmates. It seems like we'll only have ONE lecture together as a cohort. Sigh. And my CDS is 3 fucking hours long. I have random 3-4 hour breaks in between classes and only Monday and Wednesday seem merciful enough to me. Which means I'll be able to squeeze in my driving lessons on Mondays and Wednesdays and during that ultra long break o...
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Band pratice today was pretty alright overall but theres just somethings I need to get off my chest. I seriously hate it when I have one party telling me what I play is ok and another party saying its not. It bloody pisses me off cos I just dont know what I'm supposed to play already. So, maybe it would be better if I just stop and wait for someone to decide what I should and should not play. I just dont get Gavin at all. He keeps telling me to get a nice creamy lead tone for the songs like I can do it with the snap of my fingers. For heaven's sake, I'm not exactly the world's best guitarist or even near that, so maybe a little help would be good? Another thing that irritates the fuck out of me is when Gavin tries to show me what he wants me to play. He'll put his bass down, come over to me and ask me to pass him to guitar, but all he does is make noise with it and then tells me, "Something like that la. Try to fill the empty space." Like its supposed to h...
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I miss perth and just being able to sit by the river and chill. Sigh. Life's so hectic in Singapore it just really sucks. Been coughing like a bitch for the past week and its been getting worse even though I've been taking medication. Fever just came not too long ago. PnW tonight was pretty neat. I think it was the best in a long long time. It was Nick's virgin PnW session for friday growth and I think he did a really good job. Thinking about it, I think playing guitar in Australia helped me alot. Even though it was just random jamming in my room, the environment just help me play things I never ever thought I could come up with. Interesting. Oh and I might be playing for Amplify when its their turn to do 4th Sat mass. I'm pretty up for it. Something new. Haha. Ok I really need to get some rest now. LOL. Be back soon.