Band pratice today was pretty alright overall but theres just somethings I need to get off my chest.

I seriously hate it when I have one party telling me what I play is ok and another party saying its not. It bloody pisses me off cos I just dont know what I'm supposed to play already. So, maybe it would be better if I just stop and wait for someone to decide what I should and should not play.

I just dont get Gavin at all. He keeps telling me to get a nice creamy lead tone for the songs like I can do it with the snap of my fingers. For heaven's sake, I'm not exactly the world's best guitarist or even near that, so maybe a little help would be good?

Another thing that irritates the fuck out of me is when Gavin tries to show me what he wants me to play. He'll put his bass down, come over to me and ask me to pass him to guitar, but all he does is make noise with it and then tells me, "Something like that la. Try to fill the empty space."

Like its supposed to help me understand what he's trying to say. It really just makes me even more confused. At least Matthew can show me what he wants me to play and help me along with it. Unfortunately, he wasnt at practice, so it kinda mad my life a bit harder.

I appreciate the fact that he wants to help but at the same time I dont appreciate what he does basically because it never ever makes the situation better, nor does it help enlighten me about the message you're trying to convey.

Sometimes being in a band is just really FUCKED UP. I may not mean what I say in the next 24 hours but right now, its how I feel and I just need to get it out of my system.

I wish sometimes, I never had the ability to do the many things I can right now. Ever. It might possibly do me alot more good.
fuck it.

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