todae was kinda ok la....but school bag dam heavy siahs...must bring english maths geog chem and chinese books sia...dam heavy...and wads worse was dat i was sooo sleepy throughout the day...sheesh...couldnt keep awake. k so anyway lessons were on as usual...met the new physics and geog teachers and i guess they're kinda good j lo for physics and ms niza for geog....haha...i guess the class kinda likes niza alot cos a few of dem tot she was cute....ahha and karl was forever with his nonsense...haha...and micheal was like telling me his innner most fantasies....lolx...k so after school went home with lionel and so now im at home...ok dat was lame...haha...i tink i shall go sleep a while before lionel decides to come over ya? haha bye!
you never hear the still, small voice when you are listening to the crowd.

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