Aussie Kangaroo does cleopatra

The polar bear everybody loves.

Photog tutorial today was fun, not beacuase of what was thought, but because we spent half the class playing games in the project discussion room, when the other groups were shooting photos. HAHA. We really should do it more often.

Anyway, CY came up to me to ask if I was still angry. Well, I'm not. Time to move on. And to make things clear, whatever I typed here was done to get it out of my system. I guess he knew I was angry and that I had made my point that I wasnt fairly graded. Case closed.

Other than that, school was mundane as ever. Went to shoot sports photog again. Not sure how it'll turn out. The reason why I redid it was because there was this old lady snoring away in the background of my pic. It was a really cool picture till I notice that old woman sleeping on the chair with her head tilted back. MY GOD. Ultimate spoiler.

Well, I'm gonna develop the new pics tomorrow. Pray that they'll look good.

If any of you would like to buy the photos posted here, pls drop me a message. Thanks.

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