CY says he's done this, done that, achieved this and that, but till today, I havent seen a single piece of his work. Kenny Yong shows us his pictures and explain to us why his photos are good and all that. What does CY do?
He rants about this photo and that photo, tells us to look at photos from professionals then says,"Go out, shoot. Have fun. Your fundamentals will help you alot."
Sorry boss, but what fundamentals are there to back us up when you dont exactly teach that well.
I think many of us learn better when we try out and have classmates to back us up and help us along the way. It probably beats listening to your boring 2 hour lecture and sitting through your utterly redundant 3 hour tutorial.
Seriously, surfing the net and looking at online photog tutorials beat your lessons flat. And I will bet my life on it. So what if you gave me the damn Gibson poster? It isnt gonna make me change my opininon of you.
Look, out of 4 classes, you take 3 of them. It wouldnt be a nice sight if 60/80 students got screwed by you.
Now, I think it would be a good idea if you could lay down your criteria of each topic so that at least we know what to have in our shots. It irritates alot of us when we shoot a photo and think it is in accordance with the theme but get sucky grades cos you have your own perception of the theme.
Moving on to your sarcasm. Let me ask you something, do you have a fetish for cursing students? What is with you and telling students that they'll take supp papers just because they cant answer your questions in lecure or in tutorial?
"Why not you all go back and have a good weekend before you all get your results?"
"Wah, dont know the answer ah? I'll see you at the supp paper exam."
"You're actually a good student, too bad this late submission is going to pull your grades down."
Excuse me, but, I really dont think its neccessary for you to say such things. Not only does it turn us off, it affects our confidence. I wonder if you have ever said such things to students in front of Darryl David. I'd like to see what would happen.
I expect tomorrow to be a bad day because your lesson ends the day.
Ah well, don't we all love CY, the greatest lecturer of them all. Thats sarcasm for you, bitch.