Alright, I got back my macbook today and its working fine. BUT, I just found two small chips on my laptop. Stupid idiots at the shop dont know how to take care of my stuff. Other than that, everything seems to be okay. I've gotten my room com repaired too, so now I've got two computers to work with.

And after all that good news, I find out that my dad bought another Mac. This time, a desktop. I didnt know he was that loaded, well maybe he isnt, but then again...ah you know what I mean.

Anyway last night I was out with the band to celebrate andrew's birthday. Dinner was good. Ate at Olio at Suntec then off the Harry's at Esplanade. Thats where I saw one of the best guitarists ever. I cant recall his surname but his first name is Paul. Indian fella. I swear he isnt human. His fingers can run like forever. Every guitarist knows how hard it is to sing syncopated while playing the guitar,well, this guy did it and he was absolutely fantastic.

I definately need another dose of his music. If only he gave lessons...Dang.

I might be able to play like him in another 10 - 20 years maybe? HAH. Dreamland.
Oh and would any one of you, by chance, remember the Singapore Idol flop from Season 1 by the name of Jerry Ong? Well he was sitting two tables away from me, with his grandparents I suppose.

In a pub? Oh well, what can I say.

Lumdeedum. Ok I'm getting random. Time to shut up.

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