Why do so many things have to happen to me? I cant bloody reognise the damn colours, Ive got G6PD blood deficiency. I cant be near moth balls cos of this and jus now in the cab on the way home, guess what? it was filled with moth balls and it got to a point where i just felt like puking in the cab.
GDF Lecture wasnt easy for me. To sit through a whole lecture on colour, knowing that everyone else can see and feel what the teacher is talking about while I sit there, trying my best to make out the colours i see. Its fucking frustrating. So many things I cant do.
People think its fun and interesting cos i can "see" the world differently cos i'm colourblind. Honestly, it sucks. I hate the feeling. You guys just dont understand how sad and hurtful it can be. Its difficult trying to spend each day figuring out what colour is what. One moment i can recognise them, the next moment I cant.
Just let me be normal for one day. Let me see the world as how everybody sees it. I feel helpless and lost.
Wandering in a city of colours, not knowing what I'm looking at.
GDF Lecture wasnt easy for me. To sit through a whole lecture on colour, knowing that everyone else can see and feel what the teacher is talking about while I sit there, trying my best to make out the colours i see. Its fucking frustrating. So many things I cant do.
People think its fun and interesting cos i can "see" the world differently cos i'm colourblind. Honestly, it sucks. I hate the feeling. You guys just dont understand how sad and hurtful it can be. Its difficult trying to spend each day figuring out what colour is what. One moment i can recognise them, the next moment I cant.
Just let me be normal for one day. Let me see the world as how everybody sees it. I feel helpless and lost.
Wandering in a city of colours, not knowing what I'm looking at.