Does growing older make a person better or worse? Sometimes i ask myself that question and I tend to see more of the ugly side. Lack of guidance? Lack of God? I suppose its a combination of both, including many other sub-categories. It scares me when i sit down and ponder upon the negative changes I've seen in friends.

I'm scared I'll be like them. I dont want to. I dont wanna be always thinking of myself and what benefits me only. I dont wanna be selfish. I dont wanna be seen by others in a negative way.

Life's been a struggle as of late. Trying to get used to poly life and attending lectures etc. Thank God its been made easier by the bunch of great friends i have.

One interesting thing about my clique is that there are a few chirstians and its been really great to know what they do in church and stuff. A whole new perspective for me. Sometimes as a catholic, I feel the church is dead. So much so to the extent that some of my christian friends are actuallly surprised that i listen to christian music. I guess its time that some people actually stand up and wake up this sleeping giant.

Amplify is doing it within their capacity and I think I should do my part too. I want to form a band to show that catholics have the ability to do what christians are doing. Not a band that tries to outdo our counterparts, but in fact work with them to learn what they do and how they go about doing it.

Its amazing how one can see God in others through the small things we do. I want to learn to show more of God in me. I know I'm not doing a good job now, but i hope i learn more as i go along. Since its my birthday, I've set goals for myself to achieve.

To better myself as each day goes by.
To form a band.
To excell in school.
To be a better guitarist.
To get fit.

1C02 rocks.
missing the 4E4 times.

friends of old, thanks for all the support u've given to me all this while.

to the new bumch of you that ive just known, thanks for making my life in poly a joy thus far. hope to get to know you guys alot more. If somehow you see me drifting into the wrong path, pls tell me and drag me back to where i'm supposed to be headed towards.

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