This year, Chinese New Year just isnt as good as it used to be. I've no mood to do anything of sorts.

Suddenly, I've lost the mood to blog and I've barely begun. Oh well. Happy New Year to everyone. (Not So) Happy New Year to me.

I've been thinking. Thinking of how things might change. Thinking of whether I should hold on or go. Thinking of whether I should fight for it. Part of me says yes, another says no, and another says maybe.

There was a point that I was ready to give up. He'd know. I talked to him about it. He said it probably would be the better choice. I don't know if I should have listened. I hate this feeling of not knowing what to do.

Somehow, I'm just lost for words right now. I dont know what to type, I dont know what to say. Guess I should shut up now.

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